Sunday, April 4, 2010

Welcome to Cedar Meadow Farm

Welcome to my blog!

My hubby (aka "the hub") and I live on a beautiful farmette in Port Deposit, MD just above the Susquehanna River. I have always wanted to be a farmer – my great granddaddy , John, said I’d make a good farmer’s wife. And nearly 30 years later I’m an accidential farmer’s wife on a small farm that suit us quite well.

Our farm is named for the beautiful cedar trees growing in the back meadow.

We have just under five acres of land with a huge pasture and about three-quarter acre of woods. We raise chickens – mainly for eggs. There is a hug organic garden covering about one-third of an acre. We have sour cherries, pears, apples, nectarines and fig trees. It is wonderful being able to grow most of own food and have it throughout the winter (fresh garden tomatoes for Thanksgiving – whoda thunk it?).

The hub cuts and sells firewood and two of our daughters (we have 5) usually have the vegetable stand in the summer. We do have jobs outside of the farm, but eventually we’d like to be totally self-sufficient and have the farm as our source of income.

So grab an iced tea, cop-a-squat and visit for a bit as I bring you up to speed on all the ramblings from the farm.

Enjoy your visit!


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